Most of us have heard that if you have kidney rocks, as well as you want to begin homoeopathic treatment, after that start taking berberis vulgaris.

But today I am mosting likely to tell you more information regarding this medicine. It is not only showed for kidney stones however has far more activities to it.

General introduction:

Berberis, commonly referred to as Barberry, its medicine is usually made from the root bark.

Berberis Vulgaris has actually noted action on the adhering to organs -

  • Liver
  • Gall bladder
  • Spleen
  • Urinary system body organs

Constitution of a Berberis person:

  • Indicated in individuals with old gouty constitutions-- that implies people suffering from gout pain and arthritic grievances considering that long.
  • It is a very valuable treatment for fleshy individuals with excellent liver however with weak tolerance.
  • Indicated in patients that are tired not just physically yet emotionally as well. Men and women that have become old as well as tired too soon.

Mental symptoms:

  • People are usually calm yet of negligent nature.
  • Sad sort of individuals who want to weep, and also do not like to talk much.

  • Fearful and also anxious.
  • Any type of task entailing psychological labor is made with trouble as well as leaves them worn out.


  • Migraine in the frontal area.
  • There is a feeling as if a limited cap is pushing the entire scalp.
  • Vertigo connected with assaults of fainting.
  • Sensation as if the dimension of head is enhancing, as if there is swelling in head.
  • Complication and also heaviness of head.

If you are dealing with below Eyes associated symptom then it will be healed after taking berberis vulgaris:

  • Sunken eyes, with blue or greyish circle them.
  • Dryness, shedding and also itching feeling in the eyes.
  • Acute pains in the spheres as well as eyelids.


  • Shooting pains in the ears, there is tearing pain in the auricle, gouty concretions.

  • Nose:

    • Dryness in the nose.
    • Creeping itching in nose.


    • Pale, sickly as well as dirty looking face.
    • Dryness of the lips.
    • Pains in the cheekbones and jaws.
    • Delicate teeth, severe drawing discomforts in the teeth.
    • Hemorrhaging gum tissues.


    • Decreased saliva, frothy saliva, saliva like cotton.
    • Excruciating whitish eruptions on the back of the tongue.


    • Tonsils as well as vocal cords obtain swollen, there is fiery soreness.
    • Feeling as if a lump is lodged in the side of the throat.


    • Nausea or vomiting prior to morning meal and also supper.
    • Sticking Pain in the gastric region.
    • Throws up only liquids.


    • Stitches in the region of gall bladder, discomfort rises by applying stress, this discomfort extends to the tummy.
    • Gall bladder calculi.
    • There is fierce burning under the skin of the left side of the abdomen.
    • There is a sensation as if rupture wishes to come out from the groins, this experience is enhanced while strolling or when standing.
    • Varicose blood vessels in the groin area.

    Feces and Anus:

    • Feceses can be both hard like sheep dung or soft and simple.
    • Continuous urging for feceses.
    • Fistula in rectum with itching as well as tearing experience.

    Urinary System:

  • There is an Experience as if some pee is left behind after urinating.
  • Urine includes thick mucus and bright red mealy debris.
  • Tearing discomforts in the region of kidneys, which obtain worsened while sitting or lying down and are better on standing.
  • Regularly taking place crampy, contractive pain in the bladder, when the bladder is full or vacant.
  • Burning pain in urethra while peing which stays afterwards additionally.
  • These pains extend to upper legs or loins while urinating.

  • Male Sexual System:

    • Experience of weakness and unable to feel the penis, there are burning discomforts in the penis
    • Smarting, melting, drawing or pressing pains in the spermatic cords which encompasses testes.
    • Most of the signs and symptoms of genital region are increased by motion.
    • There is a sensation as if there is so much weakness after the coition
    • Reduced libido, premature ejaculation throughout coition.

    Female Sexual System:

  • Gotten sensation in vaginal canal. It is painful and also aching and has a burning feeling.
  • Decreased libido, discomfort throughout coition.
  • Reduced menses with grey mucus and discomfort approximately kidneys.
  • Leucorrhea which is greyish in color connected with agonizing urinary signs and symptoms.

  • Respiratory system System:

    • There is a polyp of singing cord.
    • Glands of the neck are inflamed.
    • There is a hoarseness of voice.
    • Shooting pains in the centre of the upper body, especially in the evening, are raised while deep breathing and also with completely dry brief coughing.

    Neck and also back:

    • The individual suffers from intense rheumatic pains in the nape of neck and in between the shoulder blades which are enhanced by breathing.
    • Pustules on the nape of neck as well as back.
    • Discomfort in the small of the back which is worsened in the early morning as well as while sitting and also lying down.


    • There is Rheumatic, paralytic pain in shoulders, arms, hands as well as fingers, connected with swelling of finger joints.
    • Discomfort in spheres of feet while tipping.
    • Extreme fatigue and lameness of legs also after walking a short distance.
    • Neuralgic Pain under the finger-nails.


    • Flat verrucas on skin, which are little in dimension.
    • Skin is itchy and also has a burning sensation which is much better by chilly applications.
    • Tiny pustules exist over the entire body.


    • During high temperature, there is a chilly feeling in various components as if cold water has been smudged on the parts.
    • Dry mouth with thirst particularly in the mid-day.
    • Sweats easily even after the very least effort.


    • Rest is disturbed most of the moment due to itching and also burning of skin or as a result of anxious, sexy dreams.
    • Unrefreshing sleep, constant waking during rest.
    • People typically wake in the morning between two and four o' clock, without having the ability to sleep once more.
    • Troubled during sleep.

    So, this was Berberis Vulgaris in details, dose and also how to take medication, I am pointing out listed below.

    Just how to take Berberis Vulgaris in cases of Kidney Stones:

    15-20 declines of tincture combined with half a cup of water should be taken two to three times in a day.

    Medicine must not be taken while pregnant as it could trigger uterine tightenings (please take this medication while pregnant just after consulting your homoeopathic physician).

    In various other problems like rheumatic discomforts, gout, spleen affections and so on, take medication in 30 or 200 effectiveness.

    Care: Please do not simply count only on medicines for your treatment.

    Complying with an appropriate healthy diet regimen, monitoring of diet regimen with correct food things together with right water intake is quite essential.

    ( Likewise, in cases of renal rocks, avoid consuming-- Brinjal, Tomatoes, Ladyfinger, Guava, Spinach and so on).

    Note: If signs and symptoms linger also after taking the medications, you are recommended to visit your closest homoeopathic doctor for appropriate appointment.