homeopathic medicine for premature ejaculation

Do you suffer from -

  • Early Ejaculation?
  • Erectile Dysfunction?
  • Nightfall?
  • General Sexual Weakness?

If yes after that Dr. Reckeweg's R41 drops are the service to your troubles.

Male Sexual Dysfunction

What is Man Sexual Dysfunction?

Around 10-15 percent of males deal with sexual disorder.

Sexual disorder can impact men of any kind of age however it is very common in guys of older age.

Sex-related disorder usually consists of problems related to -

  • Climaxing,
  • Erection,
  • General weak point,
  • Reduced need, and so on.

Sources Of Male Sexual Dysfunction:

There can be different sources of male sex-related disorder - starting from reduced degrees of testerone, some medical results, alcohol intake, smoking cigarettes to anxiety or relationship disharmonies.

What is R41 drops?

Dr. Reckeweg's R41 is a homoeopathic solution especially curated to respond to all the issues related to male sexual weakness, be it early ejaculation or regular nightfall.

This medicine has mix of different medicines which all assistance in maintaining your sex-related wellness.

Why R41 Drops?

After seeing an increase in number of cases of sex-related weak points in today's globe, R41 Drops were curated to assist male populace deal with their sexual concerns.

This medicine aids in unwell effects of ageing of sexual glands which over an amount of time start gathering contaminants as well as shed their efficacy.

This medicine therefore acts on the sex-related glands and also revitalize them.

Who should take R41 Drops?

People that feel that their sex-related power is reducing everyday, or feel weakened after some incapacitating illness, worn, or experience nervous breakdown can take this medication.

It is likewise shown for individuals who experience

  • Early Ejaculation
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Lack of Vigor
  • General Weakness
  • Over Enjoyment, and so on.

Components Of Dr. Reckeweg's R41 drops

Dr. Reckeweg's R41 drops contain mix of listed below mentioned medicines, all of these medicines play a crucial role in keeping the sex-related health of males, maintaining the germinal glands healthy.

    1. Acidum Phosphoricum
    2. Agnus Castus
    3. Cinchona Officinalis (also known as China Officinalis).
    4. Conium Maculatum.
    5. Damiana.
    6. Phosphorus.
    7. Sepia officinalis.
    8. Testes.

All of these medicines complement each other's activity as well as work as a restorative for male sex-related dysfunction and helps in treating impotence, lowered power of erection, decreased libido( libido), sex-related weakness as well as thus works as an energizer for the sex-related organs and also reinforces the genital location.

It makes certain high price of sex-related efficiency.

How to take Dr. Reckeweg's R41 drop?

In case of older diseases, and fast outcomes are anticipated, medicine ought to be taken every one to two hrs, 10-15 Drops, for 2 to 3 days.

Generally situations,.

Amount of medication - 10-15 decrease in 1/4th mug of water.

The number of times must medication be taken - 2 to 3 times in a day.

When to take the medication - Prior to meals.

Note: Also after taking this medicine, your signs and symptoms continue, you are recommended to see your nearby homoeopathic doctor so that you can get correct appointment along with the right constitutional medicine for your troubles.