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Dr Boricke Rapi Grow Hair Combo Pack

Dr Boricke Rapi Grow Hair Combo Pack
Dr Boricke Rapi Grow Hair Combo Pack
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Dr Boricke Rapi Grow Hair Combo Pack
Dr Boricke Rapi Grow Hair Combo Pack
Dr Boricke Rapi Grow Hair Combo Pack

Ex Tax: Rs.306.00

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INTERNAL:     Acid Flour 6, Acid Phos 3X, Lycopodium 3X, Wiesbaden 6, Kali Phos 6, Nat Mur 6

EXTERNAL:     Arnica Q, Calendula Q, Cantharis Q, Cinchona Off Q, Pilocarpus Q

INDICATION:     Helps to check falling of hair, premature grey hair. Regular use of Rapi Grow makes hair glossy, lustrous and voluminous. Retarded growth, Dandruff, Itching of the Scalp.

MODE OF ACTION:     Internal Use:-

Acid Flour :  Alopecia, Itching of the Scalp, Falling of the hairs, baldness.

Acid Phos : Premature graying of hair. Hair thins out, lank hair, greasy hair, falls off and also hair of beard, especially after grief and Sorrow.

Lycopodium : Useful in Baldness and grey hair. Great falling of hair.

Wiesbaden : Helps to grow hair much more rapidly than usual, new growth darker, softer.

Kali Phos : Used in Itching of Scalp, bald and dry hair. 

Nat Mur : Falling of hair in bunches, also after chronic cold and headache.

External Use:-

Arnica : Local use of Arnica produced an extraordinary growth of hair.

Calendula : helps in itching of scalp.

Cantharis : Known for hair falling.

Cinchona : Benefited for hair torn out.

Pilocarpus : Baldness – light hair turns black.

Dosage :     Internal : 10-15 drops in a cup water thrice daily or as directed by physicians.

External : Gently rub over the scalp half an hour before bath.

Presentaion :     30 ml x 2 twin pack.